Emergency roadside services
24/7 premium support to keep your client on the road

*Savings based on 2021 Hagerty Drivers Club member redemptions.
Membership by Hagerty Drivers Club (HDC), a non-insurance subsidiary of The Hagerty Group, LLC. Roadside services provided by/thru Cross Country Motor Club except in AK, CA, HI, OR, WI & WY where services are provided by Cross Country Motor Club of California, Inc. For additional information and a complete description of benefits, visit hagerty.com/corporate/legal. Purchase of insurance not required for membership in HDC.
Hagerty Drivers Club is a registered trademark of the Hagerty Group LLC, ©2025 The Hagerty Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved The Hagerty Group, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hagerty, Inc.
Hagerty Marketplace offers both classifieds and auctions. Classified listings are a benefit provided to members of Hagerty Drivers Club, a non-insurance subsidiary of The Hagerty Group, LLC. Hagerty is not a licensed vehicle broker and does not take a commission on classified purchase transactions that are facilitated directly between buyers and sellers on the Marketplace platform. Auction listings are hosted on Hagerty Marketplace, and auction purchase transactions between buyers and sellers are facilitated by Broad Arrow Private Sales, LLC, dba Hagerty Marketplace, a Michigan-licensed vehicle broker and non-insurance subsidiary of The Hagerty Group, LLC. For additional information and the complete Marketplace terms of use, visit hagerty.com/marketplace.